Moscow, Idaho - 2021


    The exterior improvements to this local café were both a response to restaurant dining constraints created by Covid-19 and an effort to improve the fabric of a downtown district. Founded in 2005, One World Café sits at the nexus between downtown Moscow and the University of Idaho. It is also part of a crucial intersection along Main Street that serves as a threshold for farmer’s markets and parades. Because of this, it has become a landmark social space for the community. It experiences heavy pedestrian traffic year-round from students and locals alike. Amid the Covid-19 shut-down in 2020, the owners of One World Café become the sole tenants of their building. T hey wanted to renovate the exterior in an intentional way; mitigating short-term crisis concerns by offering distanced outdoor dining while also creating a more inviting and cohesive street presence.


    Idaho Design Build partnered with the owners and the city to pilot a removable sidewalk cafe that improved on more typical Covid responses which are often cheap, disposable, unsightly and even dangerous and do little to improve their environment. The design combined an exterior recladding with a series of outdoor seating areas. This project was developed over a period of 13 weeks, with 3 weeks of on-site construction. Regular client interaction became key to the success of the project. Students went through multiple rounds of design, full-scale prototyping, cost analysis and drawings so that clients could evaluate progress and offer informed feedback. This ensured that project goals were being met and provided the students with insight into real world working conditions and project constraints.


    The owners expressed their need for the spaces to be both safe and socially supportive. Reflecting this, the design broke up the narrow exterior of the building into four primary zones of use which were tied to adjacent social functions within the building. Casual dining and community workspace would be supported by a lounge with built-in seating, an arrangement of new furniture, and an ADA height bar, while fold away booths would accommodate an increased need for separated group dining during operation and overnight and offseason storage.

    The design is intentional in the creation of a transition space between the foot traffic of downtown Moscow and the café. More than a mere buffer, the sidewalk café is the city’s front porch. It serves the café’s business needs while acting as an informal public gathering space for the community.


    These students were uniquely equipped to take on this impactful project for their community during Covid-19. Through careful processing and use of materials, they were able to provide significant cost savings. Through immersive observation and direct engagement, they provided a design that would best support an important part of the Moscow community. One World Café has become a space that instills a sense of normalcy in the short-term, while serving as a prototype for adaptable outdoor dining that adds to the quality and character of its place

  • noah anderson

    joshua bianco

    belanna blackburn

    grayson boldt

    george bowler

    west chalfant

    brenna church

    koen conner

    marco delgadillo

    trinity dion

    ryan hart

    monica higbee

    kyler lee

    riley leighton

    zack maughan

    lucia osborne

    dom pera

    sajja piya

    tristan sahwell

    kurtis zylstra

  • Scott Lawrence, assistant professor

    LaRae Tomera, teaching assistant

    Brett Carter, teaching assistant

  • Honorable Mention

    AIA Northwest and Pacific Region Student Design Awards

  • Collaborators

    One World Cafe

    City of Moscow Planning and Public Works - Sidewalk Cafe Pilot

    David Schmidt - CAA Technical Shop Director

    Doug and Melanie Wasankari

    Dave Harlan Audio/Visual

  • “Community Engaged Design Build at the Nexus of Crisis Response and Material Scarcity”.

    Conference Poster and Presentation.

    Arch 22 - TU Delft, Netherlands.

    Accepted and Forthcoming, August 2022

  • “Building a Better World”

    Cabeza, Garrett. - Moscow-Pullman Daily News

    May 17, 2021


AB McDonald Elementary Outdoor Classroom


Hat Ranch Winery